Nolan only asked for 1 thing this Christmas - a Nintendo DS-I.... and Santa did NOT bring it. Luckily, Nolan is OK with it! Santa did leave a note & share that he has a DS already, which he rarely plays. So, play it & maybe next year, he'd bring the DS-I one.
But, let's not feel sorry for poor lil Nolan! Santa (that would be Dad) decided he had to upgrade his 4-wheeler, so he got that from Santa instead! Jillian got the Barbie Jeep to try and keep up!!
We headed to the Wingate's for Christmas brunch - THANKS for the invite. We had a nice relaxing time (for our 2nd meal)! Sat down for a traditional meal of Porterhouse steaks... aaahhh, life is good!
Thank you, Jesus, for this day & the blessings you have bestowed upon us!