What a great day! Temps started in the mid-70's, when we headed to the Zoo...a trip, to celebrate the last day of summer break! The weather was not the only good thing in our day. The kids were phenomenal!
Nolan wanted to explore every animal; Hear about every kind of snake (Yuck!); He smiled for pictures - The world was right!
Jillian clapped at the Dolphin Show; Stayed non-crabby, even without a nap; And wanted to walk, more then ride.
We missed the Butterflies only because we ran out of time. We needed to be back at school, as Ms. Weber gave Nolan 1-on-1 time, so he could explore the class and get used to her. It worked! At the end of the hour, Nolan asked Ms Weber is she'd leave the Lego design on the table that he'd made. He was talking with her about her collection of Matchbox cars. He had selected his job for the week, his table and seat, and even offered to help her in the morning with other jobs, as kids arrived! He wasn't the 100% Nolan that we see at home, but for only 1 hour with her - it was a miraculous transformation!
Awe...Dodie, this post made me cry about Nolan! He is going to be just fine in Kindergarten. It was truly GOD that sent this teacher to you and John. I am so excited to hear great things that he will do this school year. What a great day at the zoo too! I love hearing these stories. I know it might not seem like it now, but the good stories definitely outweigh the bad. Keep us updated how things go. Until then...good luck at school Nolan. The Chamness Family is pulling for you and loves you dearly! You are our "little bit of Ellie on Earth" if that's ok with your mommy and daddy.