Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last Mass of the School Year

Yes - the camera is still broken. I "thought" I would get a new camera for Mothers Day. Well - that didn't happen!! So, the recording feature is all we have...
My apologies that I can't keep you updated on the details of life! I will break down and buy a new camera soon.

As for the last day of school, Kindergarten led the mass. Nolan opened the service & rocked it!! The rest of the day was followed with awards, field day, and a picnic (indoor) lunch. Nolan received awards for Outstanding Art, Outstanding Music, and perfect 4th quarter attendance.

Third NWEA tests are complete and results returned. The boy also was in the 98th for mathematics and 99th percentile for reading. With the DRE testing, he finished his Kindergarten year with the reading comprehension of a high 1st grader! Seriously - this kid rocketed through his first year! We are blessed to have found SSFC and their fabulous program.

Enjoy the attached song, which the combined Kindergarten classes sang at end of mass, as well as Nolan's reading. The song was a "surprise", so I was not ready with the camera for the beginning... oops! (Our desktop too is broken... so I can not hear him read, so can only hope the upload does have it!)

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